A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Such a good day. Quiet morning mainly of pancakes and homework. Then into town for our afternoon of tourism.

First stop London Eye, including a 4D film which involved being wet, smelling incense and getting a little cold when it snowed. The trip around the eye itself was fantastic, not least as we were lucky enough to have a clear, sunny day.

Then a very pleasant hour or so wandering along the Southbank and around Festival Gardens enjoying the many street performers working their socks off. A play in the park and a walk over Hungerford Bridge to Trafalgar Square and a mooch around the National Gallery.

By the time we'd done all that the worker bee had been released from the hive and met us to enjoy a few more street performers in Trafalgar Square - the most bizarre of which was probably the fire blowing tuba player.

Into Chinatown for a great dinner at The Mayflower.

And home to collapse.

Lesley x

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