A Dose Of Brimstone

An old fashioned remedy was a dose of brimstone and treacle "to spring clean the system" and it signalled the end of winter for many youngsters.

The brimstone butterfly is so-called because it is soft yellow, the colour brimstone, now known as sulphur. I remember when my parents used to make little piles of hay in the paths of their glasshouses, sprinkle them with the yellow sulphur powder and set fire to it. It is an ancient and effective pesticide. Fire and brimstone. :)

My pic isn't great but I feel fortunate to have got it. Brimstone butterflies don't settle for long. The males come out of hibernation and search frantically for mates. Evidently they prefer purple flowers. I like the little tinge of purple in the ruff around his neck. I love his leaf-shaped wings. :)

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