
By Delamanda

The perspicacious road planners?

Today’s pic is another antonym – and I know it’s a lousy pic, but the bus lurched forward just as I pressed the shutter. However, it fits the bill, so it stays! The word of the day was “perspicacious”, which was a tad disappointing, since this is a word I actually use and I rely on the OED to take me to lexical pastures new. Anyway, on Sunday, the capital will suffer from the usual transport disruption that accompanies any sporting event (and with my recently acquired diplomacy skills, I shall refrain from sharing my opinions on this), so some perspicacious planner has had the really bright idea of choosing marathon day to resurface the road. Perspicacious, BTW, means ‘ Of eyes, sight, etc.: keen, sharp; clear-sighted. Chiefly fig.’ (OED), but I guess everyone knows that, since this is the first word-of-the-day in heavens knows how long that the Apple spellchecker has not tried to “correct”. It might be quite fun at the end of the year to produce a list of real words-of-the-day compared with the spellchecker’s suggestions – although they’re no longer suggestions, the words seem to change automatically and one has to be perspicacious (in a non-figurative sense) to spot and stop them.
Day #101 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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