Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

I'm a slave to the ISS, I am.

Call me crazy, but I set alarms on my phone according to the email notifications I receive from NASA each day the monster's going to shoot across my sky.

I do!

Providing it's prior to midnite.

2am or 4am they can keep. But 8:46pm at 73 degrees, W to ENE ... I'M FRONT AND CENTER!

It's my first kick at the can at a snap of the ISS. A mere 10 seconds. Hurricane Nellie is passing through, so the Dogwood's rather mushy. Never mind. ISS stayed on course..

Anyway, enough about traveling at 5 miles per second ... our trains are proposing an increase in speed! ... from 32km/h to 48 km/h! Dear oh dear. The world's gone mad.

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