My day

By 59

Ready, set, blip

I guess my new toy shows that I am keen to continue blipping. This is blip number 50. It is amazing how much you learn about photography and the world through other peoples eyes, real people, not just the media personalities that we get bombarded with on a daily basis. Seems such a great hobby ( addiction).

My new camera arrived last night and I have worked out some basics like taking a photo on auto, but could not down load images onto my computer ( can do it onto my husbands laptop so something needs fixing on my system). All will be revealed when I read the instruction manual and work out what button is what.

We have had a busy day with son home from Sydney, daughter and family home from holidays, new grandson home from hospital.....

I had a visit to the library and got out 4 books on digital photography today, there is lots to learn. Unfortunately I have to return to work on Monday after my annual holidays so will have to see how much time I can devote to blipping.

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