Doorwerth Castle, Doorwerth, Prov. of Gelderland

It is a beautiful and peaceful spot, just as the rest of that area is. The province of Gelderland is where the woods and parks of the Veluwe are situated, with a large population of deer and wild boar, which of course suited the aristocrats and noblemen and landed gentry very well. Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, even knew this area and held court occasionally at nearby Nijmegen, and hunted in the Veluwe, which bordered, among others, Doorwerth and Arnhem. You can read more about the castle itself here.

A beautiful day again, albeit on the cool side. Hubby had a bridge tournament this afternoon (with his playing partner, finished 57th out of some 220 pairs) and I had my moment out in the country. The area of Gelderland where I went today is also about half an hour's drive from where I used to work, Apeldoorn, another royal city, with the Loo Palace (yes, that's what it is called, but is pronounced 'Low'). I do not miss the police academy, but I do miss the woods. 160 km. (100 miles) away from where I live, though, is too far away for a regular visit of any kind.

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