Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt

Crocodile Baby

We went to farm/zoo today. Loved it. Liv loved it.

She really understands things now and gets excited (at pretty much everything).

I did a silly thing and forgot my camera but got a load of shots on the iPhone. This is my favourite. Not just because both Liv and crocodiles are cool (and subsequently Liv+Crocodile=Cool Squared) but it's more for the fact that before taking the shot, the crocodile was asleep (or so it appeared). When I finished taking the photos and glanced up and for a split second the croc's eye was open and staring right at me before closing again. Busted. Then looking through the photos I actually saw the moment he started eyeing us up for lunch.

That croc was smarter than he appeared. Not sleeping tonight.

(Strictly speaking it was a Caiman but that didn't have quite the same ring to it)


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