Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

'Yes, wonderful things'......

.....(to quote Howard Carter on the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb) were spotted when I peered into the dusty depths of an attic cupboard yesterday in search of an item which I didn't find....they included
* a Singer hand-powered sewing machine circa early 20th century....upon which my first mini skirts were fabricated (along with much cursing) by my Ma before she graduated to the dizzy heights of 'electric'.
* an ancient proggy mat frame bought at a charity shop about a quarter of a century ago because I just had to have it.
* a pair of vintage Canadian snow shoes brought back by the late hubby on his 'year out work placement' from uni (or 'Poly' as it was then) in the 60's....still not quite sure how he got them through customs....
* what looks like the full percussion section for a small novelty orchestra à la (or should that be au?) Spike Jones
(all of which possibly coming to a blip screen near you next time I'm desperate)

.....but we'll gloss over (though not literally, because it's a bugger to get off even with just a single coat of emulsion) the 13 rolls of woodchip wallpaper, the empty beer bottles and the 3 broom handles.....

That up there is a vintage mains (plugs into a light-bulb socket) slide viewer that's built into a box that would probably survive a direct thermonuclear reason, it was just conveniently near the front and portable;-)

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