nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Towering Trees 150 km

This is the Rambler's Retreat in Dimmingsdale, Staffordshire, which you'd never guess is spitting distance from Alton Towers. Most of the ride was reasonably flat open countryside, but this section was totally different - hilly and wooded. Would be nice to explore on foot.

I've never liked the idea of gels and sports drinks, the concept of constant sugar consumption seems the antithesis of everything one is supposed to do, especially for the more comfortably upholstered cyclist. And the cynic in me views them as a way to make a huge mark-up on sugar. However I have recently been reading about endurance sports nutrition (not something I ever thought I'd say) and decided to give them a go. I have to say it made a massive difference to this ride. Normally I really struggle in the later stages, but I felt so much better and the prospect of doing a 200 km seems a possibility. Of course I was still overjoyed to see the final control, but it was nice not to be totally destroyed. Although my knees were sore on this occasion, which is a new one.

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