Woeful weather

I would like to say it has been a day of April Showers, as there has been some sun. However, the sun has been rather short lived and the showers rather lengthy, and it is cold and windy. In fact, I think we had better weather during winter!

Anyway, that being the case, the best blip I took today is this one (and that is not saying much) is this one of the second day of the comic convention.

Again, like yesterday, there were interesting panel discussions, and loads of people getting ready for the cosplay competition later in the afternoon. Basically, loads of people of all ages (as long as they are over 16 years of age) dress up as their favourite super hero or sci-fi character ... all a lot of fun.

It is good to support local events and to encourage more people to go, and for these events to increase in size in future years.

I hope everyone has had a good Sunday.

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