Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Conker tree no more.

One of my earliest blips was of a conker tree by the pond area just up the road. This was taken on Golden Jubilee day in 2012.

Last week the local council came and cut the tree down citing it as carrying some kind of nasty tree fungus that would cause it to fall - something councils are very concerned about just in case someone is underneath it when it does (I think I'd recommend them for a Darwin awards myself as the tree is nowhere near any through roads. It is by a path, but, on the basis that it would take at least ten seconds to keel over, anyone close by would hear and feel it going long before it tapped them on the head).

Anyhow, everyone is really upset that this hundred year old has been felled. I think it probably had another 15-20 years in it before becoming a real danger.

The council have cut several others down around town too, some reputedly by mistake! That I suspect will never be proved although I am tempted to call for a copy of the original works order (that was to just trim those trees) by using freedom of information….

Much of the sad remains of this tree have already been despatched to various houses in the local area for use as fire wood (not good I'm told - it burns quickly giving off little heat) but also for use in 'making stuff'. The only bit now left behind by the stump is the main bit of the tree trunk - it must weight 5 tonnes. It's not going anywhere by itself anytime soon.

The council said that they would replace the tree with a couple of others (but they have no funds), but that won't replace the environmental impact for many many years to come. The original tree would have created oxygen to support two or three people. How exactly are the council going to do that - they just produce hot air!

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