Two short ladies tour!

The Hobbit & I decided in our wisdom to go for a run. Needless to say it rained & it rained & then rained some more! We have had winter since last November with no let up. Every day I draw the blinds, my heart sinks when I see the damn rain! The hubsters says rain is more water to make our lovely whiskey!! Well I would rather be tee total if it meant us getting a few consecutive dry days! Anyhow back to our doomed road trip! we drove through the ghost village that is Dalavich, then decided to take a ten mile roller coaster crazy road that would bring us out at Kilmelford! "this would be a good road to take your punters on " said the ever optimistic hobbit! 'Aye' says I then going down a cliff like incline or should that be decline! we met a lady in an estate car. She started reversing & was doing fine till another lady in yet another estate car came behind! could she reverse? My God she was all over the place like some drugged hare criss crossing the already very narrow road. We thought she was going to take out several trees! Finally after what seemed like an eternity she reached the passing place only to go to the opposite side to the other car! Eventually we got past and I spoke to the lead car who was smiling and well used to the road, the other lass in the back car was ashen faced and not for talking to me
I can safely say that I will not be going back on that bloody road, not as a result of my driving but incase I meet more plonkers like her! Do they teach people to reverse during their driving tests now a days?
mother shipton

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