youngies journey

By youngie66

Going Down

Well it was our golf day at Gullane today and like last year I finished second equal out of 16 players as it was only my 3rd game of golf this year and with it quite breezy down on the links I was delighted to score a scratch 76 for my round and had 36 points under stableford with my handicap of 8 so was pleased how I played and it was in a good cause as it was to remember our fellow driver who passed away at the start of last year so a good day to remember big Graeme anyway I parked the car at work on the way back from the golf to take the train home and grabbed this shot out the window of the old loco hauled Fife Circle train to Glenrothes so this is my blip for today and movie is "Going Down 1983" See Ya

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