Third Year Abroad

By LittleLots

Another bonus about it being design week is there are lots of free exhibitions going on. A group of us decided to check out a street market before our Friday language class, only to discover that it was no longer there. So headed to il Palazzo Real instead for one of the free exhibits there. It turned out to consist mainly of rooms of different pieces of furniture and lights and bathroom appliances. Including funnily enough our old Alessi kettle. The exhibit itself wasn't overly exciting, although the juxtaposition between the beautiful old rooms and the modern design pieces was clever. This light had loads of messages in different languages written on the paper attached. After our class me and Akos went out for aperitivo with a couple of his Hungarian friends (who luckily were nice enough to talk in English with me... haven't yet picked up a word of Hungarian). This before heading to a flat party with some of the people I met the previous weekend, not quite as many people there as the previous time so was a slightly more chilled evening!

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