Life Thru a Lens.

By Hayley

Taking a breather

Oliver's just chilling out with one of his new books in the hotel before leaving for the train home.

We had a lie-in this morning before having a relaxing breakfast. We checked out of the hotel and left our luggage in the storage before heading out for the day.

Today's main event was the Sealife Centre. We were entertained by the new penguins in their new enclosure, fascinated by the jellyfish and blown away by the sharks. They have a tunnel to walk through with the sharks all around. Very cool and since sharks are Oliver's favourite creatures, he had a lot of fun today.

We had a disappointing pasta lunch in the upmarket part of the area, but Oliver had a huge dinner plate sized raspberry meringue that more than made up for it (he brought it home as it's far too big to eat in one go).

We spent the rest of the day wandering around the shops, I was treated to a necklace and earrings and Oliver was treated to a couple of new books from what must be the UK's most architectural Waterstones.

Oooh my feet!!!

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