King of the Castle

This morning being a mixture of sunshine and showers with some wild winds thrown in for good measure, we duly headed off for the beach with my daughter’s family. We went to Seacliff Beach, which is a little known private beach in East Lothian for which you pay the princely sum of £2 per car load to use. For most of the morning we had to the beach to ourselves. Sand castles were built and wellingtons submerged in sea water. I, at last, got my revenge of my daughter’s partner who has previously been king of any family boules competition. Rocks were climbed and dogs walked. However, it was definitely not a day for a picnic on the beach and we retired to the Dunbar Garden Centre for coffee and cakes.

I took loads of photos for the family album but unfortunately the kids heads were submerged under teapot cosy style hats which often descended below eye level so there was limited eye contact. I’ve chosen one of Emil taken from well below as he had climbed up as rock which assisted facial recognition.

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