Gaia's Child

By maura143

Hey! Whatcha Doin'?

My cousin, Karen, volunteers with her local chapter of the Audubon Society. Their ongoing project is to encourage the nesting of Eastern Bluebirds, and to record the number of eggs and chicks each nest box site produces. Weekly she monitors ten nesting boxes, cleaning out any other bird nests and eggs so that the Bluebirds will be encouraged to nest. This program has been a huge success since it's inception in 1974. She had just opened and checked this box and Mom Bluebird was quick to return and check it over! Great Program!

I've had a wonderful visit with my cousin and her sweet husband, Calvin. I've got to say, though, that I'm a bit homesick, I head back to Gainesville, FL tomorrow!

If you have a little time and are interested...I've put some of my Arkansas Bird shots on Flickr. Just take a look here :)

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