
By RaceyTrace333

Wonderful Day

Today I was up just after 8am. Had a tidy up inside and then went out in the garden, cut the grass and washed down the furniture.

I had a friend round and her husband joined us, once he finished work. I cooked a roast dinner and we ate it in the garden. It was lovely and warm.

My babies came out in the garden with us, it was just a lovely perfect day.

Buddy was chasing a fly outside the door, he was funny to watch. Misty is the quieter one, and likes to find a warm spot to to sleep.

As I type, they are both laying on me on the sofa. Buddy is really affectionate, and tries to lick me to death. Where as Misty tries to stop me typing on my iPad or phone.

Overall a super weekend. I hope you have all had a good weekend. Roll on Easter, only 4 days to work until we get 4 days off.

At least I should be working from home everyday this week. Meeting someone in Clacton to discuss work. Lunch with them and back home.

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