
By BethAndCo

Our little Easter bunny xx

I so love working part time. I'm really enjoying being back at work, but Thursday mornings are the best! So much more relaxed and exciting at the thought of 4 whole days together with Eva. This morning was the last Rhythm Time til after Easter, so I'd bought Eva a little pair of Easter bunny ears to wear. Oh she did look gorgeous all dressed in pink with her little shoes on and the bunny ears. I really didn't think she'd keep them on, but she seemed to love wearing them :-)

We got to Rhythm Time and I quickly got a pic of Eva sat on her little mat with her maracas already shaking away, before the class started. Oh she is so funny, throughout the class, she gets so excited and let's out random "yeahhhhhh!"s and "ooooooooo!"s, or will just stop and start clapping her hands or waving her arms, and she'll bang the beater on the drum so enthusiastically, I love taking her. Today, when Rat a Tat, the rabbit puppet, came out, Eva crawled away from me and plonked herself right in the middle of the circle, right in front of Cheryl and Rat a Tat and sat there grinning and let out a "yeaaahhhh!", and everyone laughed or said "awwwwww".

Eva had beans on toast, the same as me, when we got back. She loved it and ate the lot! I cut the toast up into little, bite size squares and sprinkled the beans over the toast. The bean juice was all over her face, literally, but she didn't drop one bean or piece of toast on the floor. I'm sure she even said "bean" at one point. Eva also drank a lot of water today! That is really good to see! (Yesterday's pic is of her with the beans on toast).

At the moment, Eva still has milk from me morning and at bedtime, and has 2 5oz bottle of formula at nursery, aswell as her meals. Nursery have spoken to me about giving her their cows milk in a little cup as a drink of milk now, and stopping the 2 bottles of formula. I think I will start by cutting out 1 bottle in the day to start with and see how she goes, rather than just stopping them completely. It's so hard changing things like this when she is very happy as they are, but she can't drink it forever and she is eating more now... Tricky one.

Eva slept for just over 2 hours this afternoon, then we had a big play with all her toys this afternoon. I got her ball pit out too and she also enjoyed playing in the laundry basket with the maracas and wooden spoon. She was teasing me with her books too. She kept holding one out to me and saying "taaa" so I'd say "you want Mommy to read that one?" and go over to take it off her, and she'd pull it away quickly and laugh, the little monkey.

She is changing so much at the moment. Really chattering away a lot more, really developing her sense of humour, noticing and pointing at everything, and standing when held a lot more. In the past when you tried to stand her on her feet while you held her, she'd just bend her knees and want to sit down, but she is wanting to stand against you a lot more now, she was doing it loads at Rhythm Time this morning too. Probably down to her new shoes :-)

Jake came in from school and went and got himself a kiwi fruit from out of the fridge, came into the lounge and asked if Eva was allowed a bite. A bite? She wouldn't give it back! Lol! I ended up having to put her bib on her and Jake went and got himself a new one as she sat, in the laundry basket, happily munching away on Jake's kiwi, and handing me the pieces of peel as she picked it out of her mouth. Xxx

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