Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Birthday Boy!

This is my Father-in-Law & our son P. He is 9 today. This was taken in the tearoom after church this morning (Palm Sunday). P was truly grateful for the amount of things he recieved today (and yesterday) and ended up having another fun filled day. Went to my Sister-in-Law's for tea, coffee & a mingle with her friend D, his wife & their newly born baby boy, D.

This was followed by Mr & Mrs Tuttle taking P for a shopping trip ("birthday-money browse-bofore-you-buy"). The 3 of us had a Flake 99 each before heading home for a Dominoes Pizza using our trademark "Saturday night table". While we waited P proudly played his new blue violin with his new stand & new music book.
After a scrumptuous munching of birthday cake P & I had a little play with one of his presents: a wooden moden of a Chinook. Cool. D had a "stab" at P's new "Bop It" thingy. Even cooler(?)

Then bed: P has school tomorrow, so we are expecting a tired baby boy tomorrow!

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