
This is my best
"What the hell happened?" face

When I woke up this morning I wasn't intending to have a major cleaning and tidying spree. Nor was I expecting to have to spend a significant amount of money on a new oven!

Corin decided he was going to blitz the spare bedroom. No problem. That meant I was going to do a bit of tidying up. I delayed the inevitable by heading off to the supermarket to do the food shop. I bought lots of lovely food, with the intention of feeding my household well and presenting them with a full Sunday roast.

Home, unpacked the bags, put a quiche in the smaller oven, and whacked two pizzas in the bigger oven for James and his friend…to keep them going till much later when I had done the roast. As I shut the oven door, there was an almight bang, a flash of what looked like the light from a welding arc and horrendous electrical buzzing echoing around the kitchen. Oh, and smoke, lots of acrid, plastic melting, wire burning smoke.


Anyway, some to-ing and fro-ing and a bit of investigation - the oven had indeed suffered a catastrophic fail…fusing and melting wires, destroying the thermostat and rendering my oven (and its contents) defunct.

Tomorrow, we have a new one being delivered, which in itself has caused further rearrangements, as I had organised for a couple of students to come in and do some work with me tomorrow. Fortunately, a knight in shining armour has stepped in to sort that bit out at work (thank you Kieran ).

So, that was my day. Excitement and relief, once I realised that the oven is on a completely different fuse from the rest of the house and I hadn't completed destroyed our electrics.


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