Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

An Eventful Journey

We left Yorkshire at lunchtime today and on our way home dropped in on friends who live near Newark. We haven't seem them for a while and it was lovely to catch up.

They have recently got back from Disneyland and Bronte is very into all things Disney, especially all the princesses. She very proudly put on one of her princess dresses for us and then showed us her version of Elsa's song 'let it go' from Frozen. It was so lovely... she really got into the part!

After a few hours we headed home. Unfortunately we didn't get home as quickly as we had hoped... we had a tyre blow out, just as we were coming out of the Hatfield Tunnel. A horrible experience as the noise was awful. But luckily we were all ok... the tyre on the other hand was a shredded mess!

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