Views of my world

By rosamund


I'm still sewing and today's project was quite exciting and scary. The purple fabric used to be a wraparound skirt from the 70's that I bought in Mr Ben's vintage shop purely because I loved the colour and the weave and I knew one day I could make something with it. I have a jacket that I love but it is getting pretty old and worn so I used it as a template and created my own pattern to make a new jacket with the groovy purple fabric.

It's been pretty challenging but a you tube video showed me the ropes for pattern cutting and the rest has just been studying the existing jacket to figure out the order to do things in. It's going pretty well and I've completed the back and both front pieces, all of which needed darts sewn in, I've even managed to do the pockets! Tomorrow I need to attach the collar and sleeves and finish all the seams and hems. I wish I had lining fabric to finish it off but I reckon I could actually add that later if I felt I really needed it.

I only like sewing in the daylight so I can carry on knitting in the evening. I finished one border edge on the Scatness tonight so just one more and the collar edge to do before it's time for the big I-chord bind off. Hoping to finish it before I go back to work. I'll almost have a whole new wardrobe by the time the holidays are over!

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