Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

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It took a few tries to get Big Blue started this morning but somehow I managed to wake him from his beastly dreams and pull him back from a deep rusted out machine slumber. I knew you wouldn't want to let them leave without saying goodbye Blue. All the times we've shared together.

They brought so much luggage! I could teach them a thing or two about packing light, but I feel this experience has been a teacher for that and many other things in itself. Alex is flying back to Pittsburgh, which he misses dearly. This has been the hardest most trying experience he has ever done, but of all of them he has come the farthest and changed the most from the course. I hope it makes him a better person and I hope our compassion inspired him to be less self centered and giving to others in his stead. I am exhausted from worrying about him but he is now no longer in my charge. Farewell and good luck Alex and all the best. Tim is returning to his home state of Washington. From Seattle en route to Port Angels and the mossy old growth forests of the Olympic peninsula. Tim was surely the most patient and kindhearted in our group. His patience with Alex especially seemed almost superhuman to the rest of us sometimes. He was also our best writer with a hidden talent for the word I hope he keeps developing. I will miss Tim for his quite wisdom and easygoing grace. Betsy is heading home too, to South Carolina but has a week or so to explore Ecuador after the course with Elizabeth. She is a cheerful happy person, optimistic and enthusiastic. Also the hardest to really read, perhaps because of that constant inscrutable cheer. She has been, and would be a pleasure for any teacher. Finally Elizabeth, the most outgoing and eclectic of our group. She will be spending over a month more in South America traveling to Colombia after this to jump into some volunteer work and meet her family for a vacation. I am excited for her and have no doubt she'll find her way into many rewarding encounters. Very excitable and adaptable to her situation. Astute and worldly beyond her years, though they still cannot cover up her youth and lack of experience as much as she tries sometimes. I told her I would recommend her myself if she ever wanted to return and be an instructor sometime in the future once she figures her life out a bit. Once the early 20's post graduation soul searching and figuring out ends. She has all my confidence and I will miss our conversations.

Such a diverse, odd, and eclectic group and yet I feel their sheer novelty and difference is what held them, and us all together so remarkably well despite such adversity. It has been a wonderful journey for all of us and I have surely learned and grown as much as them myself. And so I say farewell finally. With a smile full of warmth and blessing.

Take care. Be in touch.

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