Peachie's Pics

By Peachie


"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11

Today's picture is of my nephew William meeting the sheep next door to his house. These sheep have broken through the fence into my sister's garden on several occasions and I have been involved in herding them back into their own field. When you get a few going in the right direction they do all then tend to follow, it was quite interesting!!

The Bible verse today are some of the words of Jesus, He often compared us to sheep and Himself to a Shepherd. This is because we are called to follow Him. Interestingly Jesus was also telling us that He was going to die for us in this verse. The disciples were not always the brightest, and did not pick up on these clues that Jesus gave them. He regularly told them He was going to die, I guess there was some denial from them.

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