
By Chook

Christmas crazies.

Bicycle blip today - partly to make up for yesterday's lack of, and partly because the figure in it has a kind of single-minded craziness about it that is akin to that of shoppers at this time of year.

Stinking hot day today. Red-faced people laden with shopping bags tut-tutting as people get in their way or get the last of a must-have item. Red-faced people in cars madly tooting other vehicles in a vain attempt to make the traffic move faster, but only really succeeding in raising the collective ire.

An hour in the city was all I had time for (and probably all I could stand). Off to work.

PS what I would like for Christmas is to find out how to Photoshop a photo in a sort-of-lithograph style like the second pic on this page. Saw it framed large the other day- love the style and wouldn't mind trying it out myself. Any ideas or tips appreciated!

Post-work edit: Just got wolf-whistled in the emergency department waiting room on my way out of work. Honestly, if you're well enough to wolf-whistle, you're probably not facing an emergent situation now, are you??!?

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