the colour green

By jukeys

pre-easter treat

Pierre left early this morning to go to Marseille for a few days. He's taken the dog with him too! I'm bereft! ;) No, seriously, it's weird enough him being away, but having my shadow, Coquine, out of the picture is really bizarre!

Called over to see mum this afternoon. We went for a cuppa at one of the cafés in Mirabel - I can never remember which one's which - and then we drove into Nyons to go to the Orange mobile shop to try to sort out mum's phone which she only bought a month ago and which is playing up already. As usual, the guy was a right sour face. So unfriendly and seemingly pissed off that we were interrupting his working day. He did change the sim in mum's phone though so hopefully within 24 hours' time it'll be back in working order.

It was very warm seeds are all coming up nicely :)

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