George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Me 'n Rani

Yep, that's me behind all that fur.

And I am sharing my breakfast with my new best friend Rani.

She and me hang out together every afternoon. We have a bit of a thought transfer session, and we've got to know each other pretty well.

Do you know what she thoughted to me? You'll never guess!

She said that she's nearly 13 YEARS OLD. That's about 91 years old in human terms, and ever so much older than me. Once she thought transferred that to me, I understand how she can't play chase as well as I can. It's a miracle she isn't using crutches, I reckon.

Anyway it's nice having a friend even if it is a C.A.T., especially when my other best friend Ernie isn't here. But don't tell her I said that - she might be a bit hurt.

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