
On the streets of amritsar, collecting rubbish in a bag bigger than she is ...
And so last day here, and all a bit of a disaster as today liquid guts, worst this trip, as I look forward to spending the next couple of days on a train....

It's hard to put words down today, all a bit of an oddity, all slightly melancholic at the thought of leaving....for once south is the wrong direction, North to spiti and kashmir...

But it's been, mostly, a joy to be back and not too long until return if all goes well...

Amritsar is something else. The old city has some wonderful architecture, falling apart as seems to be the norm, and the bazaars are just a delight. Special commendation to the food:-)

And whilst the golden temple is the obvious centrepoint, the durgiana mandir is also pretty cool....last night at the golden temple I met a Sikh from Birmingham who looked horrified as I admitted my liking for durgiana as it had that sense of organic and organised chaos which is one of my likings re Hinduism. But India's so noisy and dirty he bemoaned. I smiled. And felt a slight sorrow for the delight that he denies himself...a place to dream on....

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