Mattemburgh Manor, Hoogerheide, West Brabant

You can read all about it in English here. :)

This was shot sneakily in two ways. First of all, it was a spur of the moment detour after work, but to reach it I had to 'sneak' past Halderberge, where I live, and head on south towards Bergen op Zoom ('Zome'). Second, I knew that the premises were not really all that open to the public, so when a woman (in an expensive Chrysler automobile, mind you) drove up to me while I was taking shots and asked me in a friendly way what I was doing there, I pretended to be all innocence:

She: 'Madame, what are you doing here?'
Me: 'Oh I was on my way home and spotted this house from the highway and thought that it was so pretty I had to pass by and take a look!'
She: 'So you're just taking pictures?'
Me: 'Yea, just taking pictures. It's not really open to the public, though, is it?' (trying to be helpful)
She: 'No, not at all, in fact.'
Me: 'Oh, but in that case I will leave at once!' (in mock dismay)
She: 'Oh no, no, you don't have to. Take as many shots as you like.'
Me: 'Thanks a lot! I wasn't really planning to hang around long.'
She: 'Okay! Have a good day!'

Goodness ... have I sunk this low? Hahahaha! What fun!

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