Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Happy Chappies!

It was hot, hot, hot today.......38C recorded in the playground at school, but that didn't stop the children from voluntarily choosing to play outside during lunch break at 12 noon!!

Think I recall a wee poem about 'mad dogs and englishmen going out in the midday sun!" I wasn't on duty thankfully!

After picking GK up from work, we headed out towards the industrial area to have her car ariel sorted out and as we pulled up at the traffic lights, this bus drew up alongside us.

These are some of the unsung heroes of this land.... the construction workers who have built Dubai. They live on the outskirts of the city, in labour camps , as they are commonly called, 10, 15, sometimes 20 or more to a room!

They work relentlessly receiving a mere token as a wage with deductions made for their accommodation and food. What little they have remaining becomes the biggest boost to Dubai's economy as they spend it on consumables to send to their families back home!

The weather makes no difference to their day. They labour in harsh conditions under the heat of the blazing sun in temperatures soaring well into the 40's.....but they still managed to turn and pose for our camera with smiles that would not look out of place on a toothpaste advert!! Someones father, husband, brother, son.....separated from their families in order to make a better life for them. The unsung heroes.

I raise my hat to them.......whoever they are and wherever they may be!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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