Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Another Moon

Tonight I looked specifically for the moon after seeing the lovely sight yesterday. Even much later than last night, as I came home after an evening shopping in Dundrum with Ali, I looked out over the houses again and saw a pearly white circle hanging from the inky sky. Another night, another full moon.
The tungsten lamps got in the way so there is a bit of flare, and my camera clearly doesn't capture it the way I saw it, but it hung in between the chimney and a telegraph pole and shone out so brightly.
I could see the man in the moon grinning lopsidedly above and smiling back down on Earth.
At work today Paul told us all that he has been offered another job working as the retail manager at the airport and is working his one month's notice! What a shock to hear that we are all moving at the same time.
I spoke to Emma and told her I will be here until the first week of June and then move over to Trafford and she seemed happy enough for this, little does she know this store will be very different in a few moths time...
Today I am grateful for spending time with Ali enjoying stars, bunnies and Ewan the sheep.

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