
By Angelique


Another amazing day for weather and the sort of day you wanted to photograph everything.

The day started with Jazzmine pretending to be a flower and fool the birds!!
And the rest is a few taken on my walk from Stogumber to Kingswood to collect some fresh eggs.

As you climb out of the village, looking down on the houses, you can clearly see the steep road I take on my way to work.

Once again saw a pair of Mistle Thrushes collecting twigs for their nest. We saw them on Sunday with our fellow blippers but couldn't quite see what they were.

Then I was amazed to watch a pair of young squirells playing on the path. Phoebe could hardly contain herself.

We captured a Comma butterfly that very kindly posed for me and then onto the Station as Phoebe was thirsty. And of course I had to capture a Steam Loco for all you train fans.

I omitted to take dozens of bumble bees which we seem to have in abundance. Apparently they are in short supply this year but not in Somerset and Devon!!

I hope you have all had a good day and if you haven't, I am sorry. But tomorrow is another day, so turn the page and start again. We all talk about stress but I think sometimes we bring it on ourselves?!!! In most cases, not all, we try to take on too much. We have to learn when to say NO.

And on that note, I send my love and wish you all a peaceful nights rest.

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