Bring your friends ...

... obviously it is open house!!!

I was surprised last Wednesday when I first saw Mr & Mrs Mallard in my garden. They have been back every day since at breakfast, lunch and dinner time (at least, I've seen them at those times on most days). Yesterday I did think Mr Mallard looked a bit different and a little less confident. This morning I realised why, it hadn't been Mr Mallard.

6.15am this morning I went into the conservatory to have breakfast and was surprised to see these two. I am wondering whether this is Mr Mallard and teenage son? Mrs Mallard wasn't around but it now seems I have THREE ducks who know where to find a good meal! They will have to speak to their accomplices though and get them to knock more seed to the ground if they want a meal. I refused to fill the feeder until they had cleared the ground so I've only just put seed back out. These two had a go at knocking on my patio door to tell me more food was needed! If they eat this lot too quickly they will have to wait until I get to the shop, I've never had to buy so much, it's costing a fortune!

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