Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Better than the day job...

Well the Lakes and Cumbria Today guide is out on the streets and all the admin is sorted for another 4 months so it's time to play.

I joined a Facebook group called 'Scotland from the roadside' and was impressed by some of the excellent photography published therein. It spurred me into action, so that's what I've been doing today - 'playing' - as MrsDB calls it.

I like brightly coloured travel shots, particularly those from the era of Victorian travel so my sunset shot of this ship at Oban was a great starting point. Hope you like it.

Balmoral was built as a replacement for the famous paddle steamer of that name dating from 1900. She was designed with a dual use as both a ferry from Southampton to Cowes and as an excursion ship. Balmoral finally entered service in December 1949. Her appearance was said to be more along the lines of a private yacht than a ferry.

By the late 1970s, the end was in sight for Balmoral as profits were becoming slim and refurbishment needs built up. When added to rising fuel and wage costs, it was only a matter of time before in 1979, Balmoral's owners announced her withdrawal from service. Balmoral was put on the market for sale. But by the 1980s, Waverley was in need of a consort - Balmoral was the ideal candidate!

An offer was made for Balmoral and in May 1985, the ship sailed to Glasgow for her refit. By Easter 1986, she was ready for sevice and Balmoral has become the UK's widest travelled excursion ship.

Seen here in the setting sun at Oban on 10th September 2012, at 19.25.

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