
By WharfedaleBex


I've been meaning to blip my cherry blossom for a while but other things cropped up. It made it today!

The chaps were in the waiting area again today. As I waited for L, they were being very jovial about the five cups of water they had to drink before their treatment.

One of them, pointing at a man walking towards us, said, "He's got cranberry juice, you know." {sharp intakes of breath} "You are allowed it apparently." {a few knowing nods}

"This is my strong brew!" he said, sitting down, slamming his Robinson's juice bottle filled with cranberry juice on the table in front of him. He caught my eye and smirked.

On the way home, we were chatting about getting our jobs just how we wanted them. At the moment, I formally work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and fit other one-off jobs in around that. We decided that's the way it should stay. We justified it...

Friday is Myday... Monday Funday.

L has given me a reality check on life.

To be honest, I haven't had much time to myself (or for Blip!) since I took on the house but I have enjoyed doing it up and now look forward, in the not too distant future, to a little more me time.

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