
By CharlotteJ

Garden Drama!

Blackbirds and my cats each season wind each other up a treat and today has been no different and has ended in exactly the same way!! Cats and birds will always dislike each other…no hope for this little bird I fear! The twig you can see hasn’t hurt him it’s come from me scooping the bird off the corner of the grass, we have an emergency bird cage for such things but sadly this little bird is hurt. We’ve taken it out of the garden and hope his mum can help but I doubt it. From experience there is little point calling the RSPB, nature is nature, sad but true and I am not about to play god and put it out of its misery, sorry if I’m wrong but I can’t bring myself to whack it over its head, it might just survive, well I live in hope anyway. The cats are now experiencing house arrest until we find a solution…was it wrong to get the camera out for a blip??

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