Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Lazy walk

We did what I think of as the 'Lazy Walk' this afternoon. It's only lazy inasmuch as we don't go anywhere to start it; we just come out of the house, turn left, and walk to the end of the road and back. It's a round trip of three and a half miles so not too lazy really. The downside is that it's along a road, and even though its a country lane it does tend to get used as a bit of a rat-run. But it's still a nice walk, and we saw and heard skylarks, saw rabbits, and saw several butterflies I'd not seen before; white, but with the outside of their wings bright orange. This house is effectively our next-door neighbour although down the lane a bit; when we moved here an elderly gentleman lived here and when he passed on a builder more than doubled the size, but did it really well, retaining the character of the original cottage.

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