
By pixelatedpete

where are you going on such a fine day?

"I bid you good morning, this young man did say
And where might you be going on such a nice day?"

Kate Rusby sung these words into my ears just as I rounded the corner, trying to stay upright on the frozen paths. The way the sun was hanging there, it felt a bit like he (the sun) was asking.

Today, like most days, I think I know the answer (work :-)), but it doesn't change wondering about whether or not you choose to go there or just ended up in some place by accident, felt forced to go, or just stayed still long enough for everything else to have gone, leaving you, automatically, somewhere new.

Directly behind this spot are two signs on the lock gate - "Caution Strong Stream" and "Self Service" (they were very nearly the picture I posted) and lost, as I was, in a reflective mood, I though these were pretty apt too. Sometimes it feels like y'are just caught in the strong stream, not really in control of where you are going, but of course, you are reminded it is self-service here. Open the gates or not, move from the one stream to another, that is up to you... Funny really. I never really had a plan but these days I wonder if I should have.

So where are you going on such a fine day? Was it ever really where you expected?

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