Post nursery play date

Night wasn't too bad
This morning wasn't too bad
We face timed daddy which was good

Headed to nursery

I came home and continued on my mission to TIDY, going via docs for antenatal check up (all ok) retail park for milk, timer switch and returning a pair of trousers.

Added stuff onto eBay - think in hindsight the person who used the buy it now on the duplo had a bargain!
Emptied and sorted kitchen cupboards which I have been meaning to do for weeks, months, ok forever! Oldest thing was 2011! Located the obligatory jar of mouldy olives, also found some china plates etc that Charlotte had been given which I will use now located!

Headed to pick her up, via banking pit stop.

Picked up and headed to play date.

Playdate was fun, but think Charlotte was just that little bit too tired for it. She enjoyed playing in the Wendy house, as she did playing on the slide. She insisted on pushing her lawnmower up this hill and believe me, it's a proper Malvern hill and it terrifies me to drive down it!

Home, played with bunny ears, had a bath, facetimed daddy, usual bed routine but using a light scene (there must be a proper word for it) that used to be mine with the timer. Once the light went out, Charlotte had to get into bed.

Night all

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