
By Legodude

Hippy Easter: Episode 2

But when Hippy returns to the chocolate rabbit with his friends...

Bombur (in the chocolate rabbit): 'Oh... hello everyone. Er, an Orc attacked the rabbit but... but I chased him away. Er, I'm just inspecting the damage... Yes, that's what... what happened. A big scary Orc. Er, yay for me and my bravery.'

Hippy (third from left): 'My chocolate rabbit! If I could remember what was going on I'd be pretty bummed right now. You're a real buzzkill tubby dwarf dude, and a major league bullsh*tter too.'

Mrs. Legodude (third from right): 'This is the last straw Bombur, your gluttony has to stop'.

Click here to start at episode 1

Sorry I'm so behind on replying to your comments and commenting on your journals, it's a very busy week.

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