Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Cemetery Road

I often find myself wondering : who were these folk who lie here now?. Not a bad place to lie for Elizabeth : sunlight, flowers, gathering moss.
I'm not getting any further than this yet, now day 21 post surgery, as if I rapidly had a certain level of mobility and have stuck there. So I'm grateful to this place that it gives me so much to wonder at.

I have booked an apt to see GP, not for 3 wks, the hazard of being fussy I guess ( his partners must bloody hate him! ). I've also asked him to phone me today. I'm surposed to be reducing my Morphine dose, but am still so very uncomfortable don't want to. Not with my hip, but feet and legs. Before you tell me I'm addicted, addiction does not develop If it's for pain relief. I reckon I shall need to be referred back to Neurologists to see what's going on. ( shit and damm )

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