This day

By snapper

Final countdown!

Second last day of preparing the white elifunk I mean boat for its Saturday launch. Still having to push the hubster as Manyana is very much part of the Hebridean psyche! A glorious day so no1 son was putting pressure on him too and when he came home he went straight to painting the stickie out thingy that guides the boat! heard him call it the fecking rudder so I'm assuming thats what it is. He covered it in some marine primer then anti fouling think thats what they called the paint.
The dogs were busy watching him and then suddenly Sam took an absolute mad turn. He was all over the place, couldn't stand, was rolling and howling and licking himself . We think he stepped in the primer as there was primer paw prints on the floor!. Phoned the vet and she said just to keep an eye on him. He seems to have calmed down a bit just now, but it just shows how dangerous & toxic these things can be to dogs etc.
Finally my spirits took a right nosedive when hubby came up and asked me if we had any Holy water to put on the boat!....Doesnt inspire confidence.
Tomorrow I'm off to buy life jackets and I think you can get a thingy that you attach yourself to the boat for hubby who can't swim & if he's going to be plootering onboard it by himself I would be happier knowing he had some sort of harness on! or preferably that he was tied to the mast!

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