The sky

Was very nice this morning....
Today we had to go into the city to sort some stuff out so
I said to Mr L I will treat you to lunch if you like weeeeell
he nearly bit me hand off..... Anyhoo after a very nice
lunch we had a wander round the store, I saw a reclining
eeelectronic armchair I had a shot and it was
amazing then Mr L had a go, I left him and wandered off
to the exit thinking he was behind me...ha na..he was all
over the store looking for me, after i spied him we went to
the car and he tripped, I saved him......then when we got
home he went to go through a door and put his foot out
and hit his head on the door... so I sprang into action and
I was the most considerate,caring,attentive,understanding
sympathetic,concerned,helpful,compassionate Florence
Nightingale..and put a plaster on his head... What do you
think of that then what AM I like....I deserve a Blue Peter
badge so i do..........
Mr L is ok I yes Me have just poured him a glass of red as
he didn't want hot sweet me tea.......
Our weather is somewhat windy and it is NOT Scorchio!!!
Hope your all having a great day :-)x

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