My life in blips

By Goretex

Ceres, Fife

What a lovely day I've had today.

Headed over to St Andrews to see mum and dad but as we got closer to Cupar, had a notion to go to the National Trust property at Hill of Tarvit. I'm sure it would have been a lovely visit if it had been open! Instead, decided to go back into Ceres and have a wander around - years since I had been.

It is a lovely quaint village and looked particularly pretty in today's sunshine. There is a folk museum in the middle of the village, but I seem to remember, from a 70s school trip, that it wasn't too exciting. Decided to frequent the Mad Hatter's coffee shop instead - highly recommended for a soup/sandwich lunch. The cakes are pretty good too!

On to St A to finally see mum and dad who were on great form as usual. MP enjoyed a wheech round the block with dad and destroying playing with her new toy!

Home now - eating crisps and houmous to off-set the sweetness of the cake I had at lunchtime!!!

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