Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Accepting the Inevitable..

Mmmm, you might be thinking...
OldMills blip, no crusty aul fellas suckin dirty pints.

This, Blipbuddies, is a terrible shot, but one of only two that I had a chance to take today. The other one is, if possible, worse.

So, to explain....
My little bookshop is Gone.Closed. An Ex- Bookshop.
I could blame this poxy recession, the less than ideal location, the small population, (less than two thousand people in the entire hinterland, most of whom only read the Death Notices and Court Reports in the local paper.
Any number of things.
I have been haemorraging money to try to keep the place afloat, and it had to stop sometime...

My photography gigs make much more moolah for me, but it, too, is beset by everybody elses cash-flow issues..

So my mate, Denis, stepped in to the breech, and asked me to do some work for him, a transfusion of dosh that will (literally) mean that I dont need to move into a cardboard box under Baltinglass Bridge anytime soon.

Denis is a legend. One of my oldest friends. Organic farmer, wine-lover, foodie, and quite exceptional human being.
He owns quite a number of organic fruit and veg stalls in farmers markets all over the country. We have worked together, off and on, for about 13 years.
I have lost track of how many of these stall I have run (into the ground) for him over the years, but have never forgotten the madness and craic involved in the enterprise, battling harsh weather, mechanical breakdowns, screaming 4.30am hangovers, and everyones worst enemy, Joe Public.
"Are these bananas Irish?"
" Indeed, Missus, and the mangos are from Monaghan"

So, I hope to be doing lots of Market Blips from now on.
Its a whole new world of characters to meet.
And I cant wait...

(PS This blip was taken in Kilkenny, a beautiful, cosmopolitan, medieval city full of my kind of people)

Thats All Folks!!!!

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