
By DaveWoolmer

Brotherly love

I'm staying at my parents all this week, to look after the bunnies whilst my Mum and Dad are on holiday.

With the glorious weather at the moment, I decided to let Star (black lop, right) and Snowy (whitecrossbreed and little terror, left) have an hour each to run around the garden.

They do love to wind each other up, but they also occasionally come face to face through the bars of the others run and this photo was one of those cute little moments. A second later, Star decided to start hitting Snowy over the head with his front feet, until he ran off - that's brotherly love!!

Processing wise, I decided that as the background colour is fairly distracting I would do a colour pop. Done fairly simply in Lightroom by painting all over with an adjustment brush set to -100 saturation, then erasing that away from the bunnies, with the auto-mask option ticked.

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