
By BethAndCo

First settling in session in the Explorer's room..

I walked into the baby room at nursery this evening, to be told she was in the Explorer's room. She'd been there since after her sleep at 2pm. I walked in to find her sat cuddled on a lady called Debbie's lap (a different Debbie to Eva's old key worker that left) with a cold compress being held on her forehead, as she'd just banged her head against the door :-( she was ok though, but not a great start to her introduction to Explorers. She'd actually had a great time in there this afternoon, and had settled literally straight in, no tears or anything.

Today's daily nursery entry...

Date: 15/4/14
Key worker: Heidi
Breakfast: at home :-)
Snack: banana
Lunch: shepherds pie, yoghurt
Tea: cheese, crackers, plum
Bottles: after lunch drank all, 3pm drank all
Sleep: 12.10-1.45
Nappies: 10.40w, 12ch, 14.45s, 4.15w
Activities: Eva has had fun painting today. She painted the tree for our for our family board, and some beautiful eggs for our Easter display. Eva has enjoyed exploring the garden in the sunshine.

Today's picture shows Eva sporting the crown basis for her Easter bonnet for the Easter bonnet parade at nursery tomorrow. I was trying it on her for size, then finished it this evening once she was asleep in bed. She loved wearing it :-) Xxx

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