Today, I did 'the bounce' from here to Heathrow and back, which usually consists of a lot of reading, dozing and listening to music but on this occasion I was joined by an excited Minx who was going to mooch around a couple of galleries and meet up with some friends while I went for my meetings.

On the way across on the Heathrow Express I saw this building but my camera was tucked away in my bag and I didn't have time to get it out. However, I noted how long it took to get to the airport from there, so I could be prepared on the way back.

Actually, I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. Using my limited skills I set the camera for a short exposure and messed with the other settings to get the light right and then grabbed this shot through the train window as we sailed past. I was going to crop and centre it but then I thought I'd leave it unedited.

That done, I met up with the Minx and Deano in the Royal George at Euston for a couple of drinks before we headed north again. The Minx had had a wonderful day out and it was lovely to have her company on the way back (even if I was asleep for a while!).

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