Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Winter sun

I snuck out briefly this afternoon to take some pictures. Winter has us in its icy grip and the my car thermometer read 12 degrees fahrenheit (~11 C) when I took this shot. Fortunately I was well dressed and my 7D handled it well.

I was enamored with the light during this brief foray. The sun was setting and the light had a golden quality. Unfortunately, the sun disappeared rapidly and I probably would have had better results had I ventured out 30 minutes earlier. In this shot, we see the setting sun in the background through the trees with an old abandoned fence in the foreground.

I continue to enjoy my 7D and am currently learning about the auto focus system. There are many more options than in my 40D and I am enjoying learning about them. I am also itching to go shoot some moving objects to test AI Servo.

Post processing:
Adjusted contrast, saturation and shadows in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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